online Fitness coaching program

Feeling Sluggish?

Then Take The 21 Day Fitness Challenge!

Exercise is for everyone, regardless of fitness level or lifestyle. You don’t need to be a gym fanatic to achieve fitness goals. The 21 Day Online Fitness Challenge, with a tailored program and effort, positive results can be achieved safely, efficiently, and in a fun way.

The 21 Day Fitness Challenge

It's never too late to start living a healthier life!

I’m starting a 21 day fitness challenge today and I’m inviting all of you to join me! Let’s see how much progress we can make in 21 days!


What do you get and what's in it for you?

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How It Works?

As your coach, I understand that the availability of resources can be a concern for you. However, I take pride in offering fitness solutions that work with the resources you already have available, whether it be in your own home, the great outdoors, or even your local fitness facilities. I recognize that each individual has unique needs, preferences, and varying access to resources. Hence, I strive to provide personalized plans tailored to meet your individual fitness goals. 

What Else?

You will get coaching advices where you'll make changes one small - but powerful - habit at a time. Add to this the ability to track your workout, nutrition, as well as personal support and accountability from a mobile fitness app.

Let’s talk business.
How much do PT session cost?

This program is for

199 AED


Let's create a customized plan to help you reach your health and fitness goals! I have the experience and expertise to guide you towards success. Together, we'll identify strengths, weaknesses, set goals, and develop an action plan that works for you. You'll have my support and guidance to make sustainable lifestyle changes to feel healthy and confident. Let's talk!

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I’m Firas

Working together to achieve your goals and build a long lasting lifestyle. You will have complete guidance and support from me throughout all processes.

The 21 Day Fitness Challenge offers online life and fitness coaching to help you achieve your health and fitness goals. As a certified coach, I will help you set goals, create a workout plan, and provide you with the support you need to reach your goals.

Learn from previous clients & hear what they say about my program

“I'm always up for a challenge, and this one was especially fun! I loved getting to try new things and push myself a little bit.”
Shaimaa K.
“I'm so happy I was able to do this challenge! It was so much fun and I'm really proud of myself!”
Sami L.
I was able to complete this challenge! It was really tough at times, but I'm glad I stuck with it...”
Felix N.
“Very informative course! And the best thing was that I learned it online from the comfort of my home.”
Nancy P.
“I have a small business, and I want new clients. This PPC course taught me how to do this.”
Darlene M.
“The course was tailored just for me. John scheduled a perfect plan and I learned PPC in no time.”
Brian L.


A question i get asked often is, “what are the benefits of online fitness program?” 

1. It’s Healthy To Workout

First and foremost, it’s healthy for you to workout! There are so many health benefits of working out at least twice a week and being able to workout online with a personal trainer will help you even more.

Depending on your age, health, and exercise history you could safely workout twice a week. If you haven’t worked out in a while, don’t expect to jump right back into your old workout routine. It’s going to take time for your body to get back into its regular workout and that is okay!

2. Saves Money Compared To In-Person Workout

If money has been tight, and so has your waistband, then online personal training can be a way for you to get moving without spending as much as you would on an in-person class.

3. Flexible Workout Times

Look I get it, life gets in the way and we get busy! Sometimes the urge to workout hits you at 7 AM or 10 PM and that is okay. We’re all different, and that’s what makes us all great!

That’s the benefit of online personal training – you can workout whenever you want to. The program and workouts are available to you 24/7 so you never have an excuse to miss a workout again!

4. Easy To Get Started

Don’t think that it takes a lot to get started with online personal training – it really doesn’t. There’s a shortlist of equipment you need, and you can get started almost immediately after deciding to sign up.

Once you have your equipment all you have to do is set up your app and an area to work out and you’re ready to go!

5. Work Directly With A Professional

When you find the right online personal training studio you get to work directly with a professional. The workouts you’re given are tailored to your needs and your goals so you’re not just working out effectively, but also safely.

There are a lot of hidden dangers when it comes to online personal training, so it’s important to find one where you’re working with professionals and not just someone who set up a camera in their home to make extra money. 

6. More Accountability And Motivation

One of the reasons I say you should always hire a personal trainer is that you have someone you’re accountable for, and to help motivate you through those workouts. By working out with the online version of me as your trainer, I’ll push you to do exercises you need to in order to reach your goals. Whereas when you’re working out alone you may go easy on yourself and do the same, non-effective workout over and over again.

Commit to your online program and you’ll see how helpful it can be at getting you to work out consistently and effectively.

7. Progressing In Your Workouts

Not only I help you stay accountable and motivated, I keep you on a path towards growth. Don’t get stuck in a stalemate where you’re either not losing the weight you want, or you’re not gaining the muscles you want. Work with me so you can gradually, and safely, increase the intensity of your workout so you keep seeing the results you want.

8. It’s Fun!

I know, you’re saying “of course the personal trainer thinks working out is fun,” but honestly, it is! There’s such a great feeling of accomplishment and fulfillment when you complete a workout. I feel my clients have fun because of what I bring to the table, and I have fun because of what my clients bring to the table!


You're ready to take the next step in your fitness journey?


Whatever brought you here, I’m glad you found me! I know exactly what it takes to get fit—and I can help make your dreams become reality through my 21-day program that’s designed specifically for people with sedentary lifestyles.

It is important to move more, sit less, every day! If you are not physically active at the moment, introducing a few daily physical activities can soon make it part of your routine. You can start by doing some physical activity every day and gradually increasing the total amount you do each week.

Are you up for the challenge? 21 days to a fitter, healthier you!


FAQs about this program...

Clients success/results rate are high because you can do everything from your own home and at your own leisure and convenience. You control your own schedule.  Even if you are away on vacation or out of town, you can still be coached with 100% effectiveness. Not to mention the most important part of all the nutrition, sleep and stress management coaching tips & advice you will get weekly or even daily.

Yes of course but only if you are ready to prioritise yourself and want a long term change without the gimmicks, quick fix or crash diet, then this is for you.  There no shortcuts in my program but I'll give you a tool, knowledge and positive mindset that you can use long term.

MANY things can directly affect the results you see. So honestly speaking I can't tell you exactly HOW YOUR BODY works or How will it respond to my programming till we worked together for a couple of months.

Your program is costumed tailored for YOU based on your starting point, health history, exercise history, fitness level, availability and lifestyle. Everybody journey is different some see the result straight away some see results later in the program If you've hit a stall, we will be able to catch it right away and ensure you are moving in the right direction.

If you are a complete beginner, you have a three options;

  1. Home workout plan with Bodyweight exercises
  2. Home workout plan with very basic equipment  such as Dumbbell, Kettle or Bands OR
  3. A Gym workout plan with easy to use resistance machine

Please NOTE:  My programs are not for curing or treating any medical issues.

There is no specific DIET to follow. We will instead work together based on your preferences that fit your goals and lifestyle and come up with a specific formula that works for you but everyone is different which means depending on your preference.

It all depends on what we're dealing with; yes we can work around and be considered. If you are dealing with a relatively new injury, make sure you've completed all physical therapy, and have doctor's clearance BEFORE starting with me. If it's an old injury, then feel free to tell me what you can or cannot do, and I will do my very best to improve it if I can while avoiding re-injury, causing any kind of pain during workouts.
BUT I do not advice anyone under any circumstances to work through pain or push past limits in ways to hurt them. So always train mindfully, and let me know when you need any kind of plan adjustments.


  1. For email support, please send to
  2. I will respond to emails between 9-5pm (Dubai Timing).
  3. Alternatively, you may also send a message through the App.

Thank you and I'm thankful that you might want to work with me. Please keep in mind that I dedicate myself to only working with serious clients. I do not accept Everyone into my Program!

That's why I rather work only with those who want to be the BEST they've ever been. To evolve into the confident, beautiful strong person they've always wanted to be. And also, clients who are honest with me from the start and in great need of permanent change that they are willing to work for it.

So our first 40 minute zoom call is an opportunity for BOTH YOU AND I to decide if we wish to move forward and work together.

You might say no, or I might say no...But if we both agree than it's a definitive YES

"I guarantee results for those who follow 90% of the program 90% of the time. That means that if you fully participate in the program for the entire duration and do not feel like it helped you achieve a noticeable improvement in your Lifestyle, Strength, Muscle tone, Improved confidence and Fitness level, you will be entitled to full refund."


I know walking this journey of being active + committing to daily healthy habits can oftentimes feel strict + exhausting.

I also know how important it is to do the deep work. By getting active + being fit, you are changing generational patterns from your past + creating good for your future.

It all starts with that first step. Just getting out there and moving is the hardest part, but it’s worth it. Trust me, I know from experience. An active lifestyle isn’t just about looking good, though that’s a nice perk. It’s about feeling good, having more energy, and being able to do the things you love. So if you’re thinking about making a change, just know that I’m cheering you on. Every journey starts with a single step, and I know you can do it! There has never been a better time to say YES to you…and create the life you love.

I am here for you. And I believe in you.

All my support,

© copyright Firas Saab 2023